En general, cuando Cialis se toma diariamente a peque a dosis, resulta m s efectivo que los medicamentos que se toman bajo un esquema a demanda (seg n sea necesario). No existe una diferencia general ...
Government has reiterated that the president Lt. Gen. Dr. Seretse Khama Ian Khama is under no obligation to follow the Judicial Services Commission (JSC) recommendations when appointing Judges of the ...
The three former ministers who were this week dropped from their ministerial positions under the new leadership of President Mokgweetsi Masisi contend that they were not dropped from cabinet as many ...
GOITSEMODIMO MANOWE I have many questions that demand answers! Who are these self-proclaimed “architects” in Botswana, the WeekendPost keeps on writing about who are in growing acrimony with the ...
Following the delivery of the State of the Nation Address (SONA) by His Excellency the President, Lt Gen Ian Khama, we reflect a bit on conversations that have in the past generated great ideas that ...
Outgoing president Lt General Dr Seretse Khama Ian Khama seems to have rubbed some of Bangwaketse morafe the wrong way when he chose to speak politics in their Kgotla during his farewell visit to the ...
The Ministry of Health and Wellness, together with Princess Marina Hospital have been dragged before court for damages in the sum of P5 million for allegedly burning a newly born premature child with ...
Disability in Botswana, like in many other nations, has been characterized by exclusion, discrimination, and stigmatization. Negative attitudes towards individuals with disabilities (IWDs) have led to ...
Joint Minds Consultant Country Managing Partner, Dr Patrick Molutsi has argued that Botswana needs a Lifelong Learning (LLL) policy. He was speaking at a learning and development conference organised ...
In Botswana, individuals with disabilities (IWDs) face significant challenges due to the lack of accurate registration and enumeration. The 2011 Population and Housing Census estimated the number of ...
Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST) Vice Chancellor Professor Otlogetswe Totolo is a man on a mission. Totolo has hinted his ambition of turning Palapye, where BIUST is ...
IQBAL EBRAHIM UNDERSTANDING ISLAM There is a very important issue that this column has on many occasions touched upon and it needs to be prioritised, because it should be and must be of serious ...