MINNEAPOLIS— On Sept. 19, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) voted to approve final guidance to commodity exchanges planning to offer new derivatives contracts whose underlying assets are ...
Extreme weather events are increasingly disrupting agricultural production and markets. However, agricultural trade can help address related food security concerns. With a focus on cereals — rice, ...
You can’t make hay unless the sun is shining. If the Farm Bill is hay, and the sunshine is time left in Congress’s schedule, ...
(February 16, 2001 -- Cropchoice news) -- After a few seasons growing Roundup Ready soybeans, the Nelson family isn't impressed. But the fact that the bio-engineered seeds haven't increased their ...
Rather than destroy the frozen meat or cook it to kill pathogens, executives at one of the world's largest food conglomerates sold it to other countries with lower standards than South Korea's - ...
The Government has decided to accede to the Paris Convention for the protection of industrial property and its facilitation treaty, the Patent Co-operation Treaty (PCT). This is expected to provide a ...
Wall Street Journal | Op-Ed | By HOLMAN W. JENKINS JR. If mankind rejects the benefits of gene splicing, there will be a better reason than one company's public relations miscues. Monsanto was on a ...
Energy can play a crucial role in underpinning efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and improving the lives of poor people across the world. Lack of access to adequate, ...
The Suns South-North Development Monitor, edited by Chakravarthi Raghavan in Geneva, is published daily by Third World Network. All rights reserved, may not be ...
A Minneapolis mom recently learned that ordinary, household items are contaminating her family. "Everyday household things could be doing our kids harm and we don't even really understand what they ...
In the Philippines, traditional knowledge touches on almost all facets of the economic and social development of a community from agriculture to literature and from customary law to arts and crafts.