John Garand was a civil service employee. As the chief civilian engineer at the Springfield Armory in Massachusetts, he invented a semiautomatic .30-caliber rifle known as the M1 or the "Garand." His ...
In 1877, Thomas Edison invented the phonograph, the first machine that could record sound and play it back. On the first audio recording Edison recited, “Mary had a little lamb. Its fleece was white ...
Developed by Tappan in conjunction with Raytheon, the RL-1 was the first microwave oven designed for home use. With a retail price of $1,295, only 34 units were manufactured in 1955, the first year of ...
In the opening years of the 19th century, a handful of Connecticut inventors and entrepreneurs transformed the way clocks were made in the United States. Recognizing a vast potential market for ...
In January 1917, discouraged by President Wilson’s continued opposition to the suffrage amendment, Alice Paul, the leader of the National Woman’s Party (NWP) posted pickets at the White House ...
Blue cloth with a circle of eight stars, two wide red stripes and one wide white stripe. General History The Confederate States of America’s first national flag was known as the “Stars & Bars.” This ...
Not long after Intel introduced its 8080 chip, a small firm in Albuquerque, New Mexico, named MITS (Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems) announced a computer kit called the Altair, which met ...
Page through William Steinway's diary using the buttons below. Click to view annotations (highlighted in red). Jump to a specific date or search for keywords using the tools to the right. Use the ...
Before there were apps for tablets and smartphones, before mathematics education software was easily installed on personal computers, before electronic calculators entered professional practice and ...
History can be kept and revealed in many ways. In the late 19th century, Native men from the northern and southern plains developed a style of visual history by fusing older, symbolic paintings on ...
This commercial bread-slicing machine was designed and manufactured in 1928 by Otto Frederick Rohwedder (1880-1960). It was used to slice loaves of fresh bakery bread at Korn's Bakery, in Rohwedder's ...