Multiple studies reveal that women use generative AI tools like ChatGPT significantly less often than men. The reasons for this are diverse. Women use generative AI such as ChatGPT less frequently ...
Researchers have developed a new technique to create realistic 3D models with textures from small 2D images. This approach could change how 3D content is created. A team from Simon Fraser University ...
A new analysis by Artificial Analysis offers the most comprehensive comparison to date of leading AI chatbots, including ChatGPT, Claude, Bing Chat, and Poe. ChatGPT wins half of the six categories, ...
AI is a broad term encompassing various technologies. In the form of chatbots like ChatGPT or Microsoft Copilot, anyone can theoretically use AI without specialized IT knowledge. What once seemed like ...
Under the pressure of dwindling resources and increasing violence in Afghanistan, the US military developed an AI system in 2019 to predict Taliban attacks. It was surprisingly accurate. As NATO ...
The Center for AI Safety (CAIS) has developed an AI system that reportedly makes better predictions than human experts. A study shows it even surpasses groups of human forecasters. FiveThirtyNine is ...
During recent "Office Hours," Midjourney founder and CEO David Holz personally shared updates on current projects and answered community questions via Discord. After rapid progress in a short time, ...
Jim Fan, senior researcher at Nvidia, predicts a breakthrough in foundation models in the near future. He sees great potential in humanoid robots for everyday life. Jim Fan, senior research scientist ...
The inaugural international festival for AI-generated short films, themed "Synthetic Stories, Human Hearts," saw "To Dear Me" by Gisele Tong triumph over more than 1,000 submissions from 59 countries.
Faced with the increasing capabilities of AI in programming, the human-centered Codeforces coding competition has decided to ban AI entries. However, enforcing this ban may prove challenging.