په آسټرالیا کې هر کال یو زیات شمېر خلک د خپلې استوګنې لپاره کورونه اخلي، مګر د ځینو لپاره دا یو ښه انتخاب نه ده ترڅو تیار جوړ شوی کور واخلي له همدې امله دوی ممکن وغواړي د کور لپاره ځمکه واخلي او د ...
Some call her the "Ice Maiden", while others know her as "the most feared and least known political operative" in the US — but no one denies her role in Trump's victory in the election.
An SBS World News special hosted by Janice Petersen, featuring election coverage from our American partner, PBS News. Co-anchors Amna Nawaz and Geoff Bennett present live and continuous coverage from ...
The scarf was sent to Pelicot by the Australian Older Women's Network, an organisation working to raise awareness of sexual assaults on older women.
特朗普以壓倒性姿態勝出大選將成為第47屆美國總統。 中國外交部深夜發文恭賀特朗普再度當選。 調查超市價格問題聆訊今日展開,消費者權益團體及供應商代表首先作供。 ,以繁體中文及簡體中文提供公平、公正、準確的新聞報道及時事資訊。SBS 廣東話及 SBS 普通話均已為大眾服務超過 40 年。歡迎在每天早上 9 至 11 時透過 收聽直播、節目重溫及其他語音內容。 按此進一步了解 SaBS 中文。 訂閱S ...
美國股市三大指數,包括道瓊工業平均指數、納斯達克指數及標準普爾500指數都再創新高。 特朗普當選美國總統再次入主白宮,對美國、澳洲、以致全球經濟會帶來甚麼影響? 澳洲儲備銀行前日宣佈,維持利率4.35厘不變。而美國亦公布了最新貿易赤字,並達到30個月新高,數字對今個星期聯儲局議息結果有沒有影響? 今集【寰宇金融】,黃詠妮請來獨立經濟分析及商業投資顧問潘萬新Brian作出分析,一齊聽聽。 以上內容為 ...
Kamala Harris has conceded defeat in the US presidential election, urging her supporters to not despair - but to instead focus on the future. Votes from the election are still being counted, but ...