Part of 100 years of gravity and accelerated frames: The deepest insights of Einstein and Yang-Mills, 65-119 ...
The workshop will provide a forum for an in-depth discussion of the high energy universe with a focus on multi-messenger astronomy and astro-particle physics. The program will consist of invited and ...
Part of Proceedings, 2nd Workshop on Flavor Symmetries and Consequences in Accelerators and Cosmology, FLASY 12, Dortmund, Germany, 30 Jun - 4 Jul 2012, 177-184 ...
In this paper we study kinetics of the first-order phase transitions in gauge theories with spontaneous symmetry breaking. A general theory of the decay of the metastable phase (false vacuum) at a ...
Avalanche Photodiodes (APDs) with reverse structure and very good sensitivity to visible light are the first time used in large scale for the readout of PbWO 4 crystals in the barrel of the CMS ...
The EPICS Archiver Appliance was developed by a collaboration of SLAC, BNL and FRIB to allow for the archival of millions of PVs, mainly focusing on data retrieval performance. It offers the ability ...
The experimental results from the various reaction and decay studies leading to the nuclides 157 Nd, 157 Pm, 157 Sm, 157 Eu, 157 Gd, 157 Tb, 157 Dy, 157 Ho, 157 Er, 157 Tm, 157 Yb, 157 Lu, 157 Hf, 157 ...
McGill U. and Bohr Inst.
We point out that local symmetries can masquerade as discrete global symmetries to an observer equipped with only low-energy probes. The existence of the underlying local gauge invariance can, however ...
You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. The addition of arXiv eprints is currently delayed due to a technical problem. We are working with arXiv to resolve it.
It is shown that in all those gauge theories in which the electromagnetic group U(1) is taken to be a subgroup of a larger group with a compact covering group, like SU(2) or SU(3), genuine magnetic ...
The carbon fusion reaction is crucial in stellar evolution. Despite six decades of studies, there is still a large uncertainty in the reaction rate which limits our understanding of various stellar ...