Notes from the IAPP Canada: Privacy and access to information, art Consider the philosophical concept known as infinite regress. Every belief or proposition requires ...
A view from DC: So close to passing COPPA updates The top privacy advisor for the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology said nontechnical challenges have at times hindered federal ...
Notes from the IAPP Canada: As summer ends, privacy activity heats up Did you know this is Right to Know week? Yep, and about 10 years ago, the United Nations declared 28 Sept. as the International ...
A view from Brussels: Will health data sharing be a blueprint for other domains? Implementation and enforcement of the Digital Services Act were extensively discussed in European Parliament this month ...
We are looking for IAPP members to lead the way in 2025. Apply for advisory board, KnowledgeNet chapter chair and Young Privacy Professional positions by 4 Oct. IAPP ...