What happens though is that their original religion gets assimilated and becomes a sort of poeticized version of liberalism. You can see that tendency vividly in my former denomination ...
Taking their cues from Burroughs and Pynchon as well as from Bataille and Breton and Dali and Man Ray, the technotactics of cyberpunk transform the rational structures of technological discourse to ...
Born, and educated in India, and at the age of eighteen [the author] ventures to present himself as a candidate for poetic fame. “Poetic fame” is a particular kind of fame, one that is poeticized, ...
As in Bambi, which was deer life poeticized, all the birds & beasts of the forest—and finally even the trees—converse freely together in a rather flat idiom, and the majority eat each other ...
My wife and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary in a mental hospital. I drove her there, I admit. But, hey, she asked for it. We were not patients thereof but rather imbibers in the bar of ...