《袁同礼年谱长编》,中华书局2024年9月即将出版近现代人物的年谱推进历史研究,已是不争的事实。袁同礼是民国年间负责具体馆务的国立北平图书馆副馆长,馆长之职在蔡元培去世后由他继任,他还兼过西南联大图书馆馆长,长期担任中华图书馆协会的执行委员会主席。在 ...
Although her real home was on the North Dakota prairie, Helen Burton found a second home in China, surviving the Japanese ...
Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn] Shanghai Symphony Orchestra will hold a concert on Sept 12 commemorating the 130th ...
Chenfu Wu, of Yenching University, Peiping, has been granted a travelling professorship by the Rockefeller foundation for use during his furlough year 1933-34 to complete his catalogue of Chinese ...
This switch of allegiance can be traced to such factors as Burmese recognition of Peiping, frustrations over Chiang's inability to recover the mainland, Communist influence in Chinese schools and ...
St. Laurent, the Roman Catholic French-Canadian Prime Minister, was working with Nehru to obtain recognition for the Peiping government. Quite apart from the advantages accruing to Canada from ...
The concert on Thursday evening will open with the musician's most well-known work, the tone poem Peiping Hutongs, created in 1934. It was composed as a recollection of the sounds and images of ...
Fourth round: Peiping Machine Taphouse “This is located in an old factory space near Fangjia Hutong. Originally a workshop, now the bar area is a lovely place with an excellent combination of ...
In Peiping they would eat onions again, fondle walnuts in their palms, see the Temple of Heaven and the old lacquered palaces, bring their songbirds to street corners in the afternoons.