(法新社雅加达23日电) 印尼巴布亚省(Papua)叛军声称他们收到一名地方领袖付的钱之后,才在上周末释放纽西兰飞行员梅坦斯,但印尼与纽西兰当局今天否认这项说法。
Phillip Mark Mehrtens, a 38-year-old pilot from New Zealand, was abducted by rebels from a remote airport in February 2023.
Indonesian authorities said Saturday the New Zealand pilot who’s been held hostage for more than a year in the restive Papua ...
Jakarta and Wellington denied Monday a claim by rebels in Indonesia's restive region of Papua that a New Zealand pilot was ...
Mr Mehrtens was taken hostage in February 2023 by the West Papua National Liberation Army, which is pushing for independence ...
Separatist rebels free New Zealand pilot who's been held hostage for over a year in Papua, Indonesian authorities say ...
New Zealand pilot Phillip Mehrtens has been freed more than 19 months after being kidnapped by armed separatists in Indonesia ...
(法新社雅加达21日电) 印尼和纽西兰当局今天表示,纽西兰机师梅坦斯(Phillip Mehrtens)在印尼反叛的巴布亚省(Papua)遭叛军挟持19个月后获释,目前身体状况良好。他表示期待与家人团圆。
Phillip Mark Mehrtens, a 38-year-old pilot from Christchurch, was working for Indonesian aviation company Susi Air when he ...
New Zealand pilot Phillip Mehrtens has been freed after more than 18 months in captivity in Indonesia’s restive Papua region, ...