Getting up in the night to go to the toilet is actually a fairly common problem. But if it's happening multiple times, you ...
According to Dr Hall, if you are upright most of the day and then lie flat when you go to bed, the fluid that has built up in ...
Beware of these 5 warning signs that your body may show at night when your kidneys are completely damaged: ...
Experts have attributed the 3-5 am waking time to fluctuations in blood sugar levels. A slight drop in sugar levels triggers the release of cortisol and adrenaline which may also disrupt sleep.
Your body could be giving you a sign that something is wrong if you notice you're going to the toilet frequently ...
Investigators analyzed OABSS and IPSS scores from Japanese patients with lower urinary tract symptoms for seasonal differences.
Are you suffering from diabetes? Look out for these telltales signs in your body at night that can arise due to high blood ...
During winter, cold indoor temperatures can increase blood pressure, leading to hypertension and an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs).
As always, Sommeliers love to recommend great wines that won’t break the bank. Four of the five Best of Show winners came in ...
The aim of this study was to compare patient characteristics stratified by self-reported nocturia severity in geriatric rehabilitation inpatients. The REStORing health of acutely unwell adulTs (RESORT ...
Getting up every two hours to go to the bathroom suggests a medical condition called nocturia. This condition can be caused by several factors. You will need to consult a physician for a clear ...
Nocturia is highly prevalent in the elderly population and leads to a significant deterioration in quality of sleep and QoL, notwithstanding the well-documented associations with increased ...