随着半导体行业向更先进的制程节点迈进,设计者面临的挑战也日益严峻。根据麦肯锡的统计,当前新产品从导入流片到量产平均需要12至18个月的时间,这一过程不仅耗时而且昂贵。许多设计在工艺端反复迭代,造成资源浪费。若能在早期阶段获取全面的工艺反馈,设计师将能 ...
The traditional laboratory role of design and process development has expanded to include a parallel responsibility for manufacturability. For many companies, design for manufacture (DFM) has become a ...
With increasing material costs and scarcity in alloy production, it becomes increasingly important to be able to optimise every stage of the manufacturing process. Off Three core issues have been ...
This course has been designed to enable engineers to better utilise Design for Manufacture and Assembly principles in order to make more competitive and sustainable products. Intended for engineers ...
immunogenicity and manufacturability (Fig. 1). These early in silico results can guide decision-making without the need to first produce and purify large quantities of antibody, accelerating ...
实际上,DRC检查只是告知一个非黑即白的是否违例的结论,一定程度的违例到底会在工艺端带来多大的影响无从得知。而PanGenDMC®基于模型能以非常可视化的方式将影响呈现给用户,帮助用户在实践中根据情况对违例处理进行权衡。因此,无论对制造端还是设计端,该产品都可以作为现有DRC(Design Rule ...
Protolabs’ sheet metal operation is no stranger to software. The plant launched in 2001 as Rapid Manufacturing, and in ...
TrueInsight was spun off the largest SOLIDWORKS (CAD) and Stratasys (AM) partner globally. Within our leadership team, we ...
东方晶源基于坚实的计算光刻平台PanGen ® 和丰富的产业实践经验,创新性的开发了PanGen DMC ® (Design Manufacturability Check)产品,其内嵌D2C(Design To Contour)快速光刻反馈引擎,能够将FAB 全套OPC Recipe解决方案以AI模型的方式进行打包,从而使用户可以基于原始Design ...
We recently published a list of 10 Worst Booming Stocks to Buy According to Short Sellers. In this article, we are going to ...
Asimov, the synthetic biology company advancing the design and production of therapeutics, today announced the launch of the ...
A new Cambridge biotech a decade in the making has launched with a plan to “revolutionize the field” of cell therapy based on ...