UBS Chairman Colm Kelleher warned on Sunday that the Swiss government's plans to strengthen capital requirements for big ...
UBS董事长Colm Kelleher对瑞士政府提议提高该国主要银行(包括UBS)资本要求的计划表示担忧。政府的这项旨在加强金融板块稳健性的举措是在去年瑞士信贷倒闭后提出的,但Kelleher对此持谨慎态度。
财联社9月29日讯(编辑 周子意)瑞银 (UBS)董事长Colm Kelleher周日(9月29日)警告称,瑞士政府提高大型银行资本金要求的计划,可能会损害该国作为金融中心的地位。
【瑞银对瑞士政府大幅提高大型银行资本金要求提出警告】瑞银董事会主席科尔姆凯莱赫(Colm Kelleher)周日警告称,瑞士政府加强对大型银行资本金要求的计划,可能会损害该国作为金融中心的地位。瑞士政府今年早些时候制定了对瑞银另外三家大型银行实施更严格资本要求的计划,以在瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)去年崩溃后增强金融业的活力。凯莱赫在瑞士报纸SonntagsBlick上发表的一篇文章中表 ...
UBS Group AG Chairman Colm Kelleher said he had underestimated the negative public response to Chief Executive Officer Sergio ...
UBS Chair Colm Kelleher warned on Sunday that the Swiss government's plans to strengthen capital requirements for big banks ...
ZURICH: UBS chair Colm Kelleher is warning that the Swiss government’s plans to strengthen capital requirements for big banks ...
Chair Colm Kelleher warned on Sunday that the Swiss government's plans to strengthen capital requirements for big banks could ...
UBS Group AG Chairman Colm Kelleher said better access to liquidity and stronger paths to recovery are vital to improve regulations for banks in the wake of the Credit Suisse collapse. As major ...
Read More: UBS Hints CEO Ermotti Could Stay After Credit Suisse Integration UBS Chairman Colm Kelleher said late last year that he, along with the bank’s board, was looking to develop a ...
UBS chairman Colm Kelleher said the initial integration of Credit Suisse had gone almost too smoothly, which made him, as a former bank finance director, “worried” about the tricky next stages of the ...
UBS chairman Colm Kelleher says Switzerland’s largest bank needs to expand its wealth management business in the US to compete with the big Wall Street banks. A key priority for the bank ...