Grains Australia is inviting applications to join its inaugural Oilseed Council, which will complement the advocacy and ...
Petrobras and Embrapa have signed a cooperation agreement for research into low-carbon products and fertilizers in Brazil.
At the 2,716-acre Stiles Farm in Thrall, trial acres were devoted to brassica carinata, a crop being studied for use as bio-jet fuel, to see how it would perform, said Ryan Collett, Stiles Farm ...
韭莲(Zephyranthes carinata Herb.),为石蒜科葱莲属多年生草本植物, 丛生。 植株具地下鳞茎,叶线形,外观似韭菜,花较大,喇叭状,形似水仙,成年植株每个鳞茎都能开花,虽然花形较普通,但园林上常成片种植形成地被,盛花时红艳艳开成一片,观赏性很强。
Ethiopia is the only country that produces teff as a cereal crop. Teff occupies the largest area of cultivated land under cereal production in Ethiopia, and as such it is the most important crop.