Just as Nintendo has Mario, Sega has Sonic, and Capcom has Mega Man, Sony has had its fair share of mascots over the years, ...
A livestream from Capcom at Tokyo Game Show has confirmed that big farting ape Congalala is returning to the Monster Hunter ...
Capcom did not say that it is working on a new Ace Attorney game but plans to produce more content for the series in the future.
经过《丧尸围城:豪华重制版》的大获成功后,Capcom近日表示正在考虑推出《丧尸围城2》的豪华重制版。虽然目前并未明确确认或否认该项目的启动,但Capcom制作人Kei Morimoto在接受采访时表示,“推出《丧尸围城2:豪华重制版》绝对是可能的”。他指出,Capcom将密切关注市场趋势以及《丧尸围城:豪华重制版》的销售表现。如果市场需求强烈且时机合适,该公司将认真考虑启动该项目。
亲爱的玩家们,早上好!今天是2024年9月30日星期一。这里是183游戏早报,为您带来最新鲜的游戏行业动态:索尼加大投资《地平线》系列力度;Capcom暗示将推出《丧尸围城2》重制版;外媒揣测PS5 ...
A game from the PS1 that PlayStation fans have constantly been requesting come to PS5 and PS4 is finally making the jump soon. In recent years, Sony has made a much more concentrated effort to port ...
Enter Capcom's big push at Tokyo Game Show 2024, Monster Hunter Wilds, which builds on the success of Worlds with a variety ...
现已发售的《丧尸围城:豪华重制版》大获成功后,Capcom暗示《丧尸围城2》重制版正在考虑之中。 近日,Capcom制作人Kei Morimoto在接受采访时表示,推出《丧尸围城2:豪华重制版》“绝对是可能的”。
Ace Attorney fans, your chance for a new game isn't zero, as Capcom has promised you can expect more from the series in the ...
To make sure you don't miss these hidden details and easter eggs, we list the most memorable secret references in Dead Rising ...
With remakes of its popular franchises doing very well recently, Capcom could look to bring Devil May Cry back for a new ...
The producer of Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster says that remaking Dead Rising 2 is definitely possible, but that's not what ...