萨菲恩塔尔艺术双年展的创始人兼艺术总监约翰内斯·M·赫丁格 (Johannes M. Hedinger)一直非常重视这一传统。这就是他将早期的艺术视角纳入其中的原因,例如1983年至1999年在福尔卡山口 (Furka ...
he found their troops in line of battle beyond it and protected by small breastworks. The enemy immediately charged upon our skirmishers, and drove them back to our main body. Col. SMYTH now ...
In the summer and fall of 1868, continuing their annual seasonal raiding activities between the Arkansas and Platte Rivers in what was also the region of their best buffalo hunting, bands of Cheyenne ...
Toward dark the firing ceased, and our army was busily employed in throwing up breastworks. The cavalry passed out of Charlestown by the Martinsburgh pike, and turned off to the right into the ...