Hezbollah’s leadership ranks have been decimated, but it has the capacity to re-establish itself. It also reportedly has an ...
黎巴嫩真主党领袖纳斯拉勒(Hassan Nasrallah)27日遭以色列狙杀身亡,以色列总理尼坦雅胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)昨(28)日首度针对此事发表声明,他形容纳斯拉勒是「伊朗邪恶轴心中的主要引擎」,只要纳斯拉勒还活 ...
Yemen's Houthi group claimed on Saturday that it had launched a missile attack on Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv in Israel.
Protesters in New York marched to the U.N. headquarters ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Friday address.
(法新社耶路撒冷28日电) 黎巴嫩真主党领袖纳斯拉勒昨天命丧以色列空袭后,以色列总理尼坦雅胡今天首度发布相关声明,指纳斯拉勒身亡是以方达成目标的必要条件,且有助仍困在加萨走廊的人质获释。
本雅明•内塔尼亚胡 (Benjamin Netanyahu)周五大步走上联合国大会 (UN General Assembly)演讲台时,观察人士原本以为他会对美国牵头的三周停火提议作出回应,结束以色列与真主党之间不断升级的冲突。
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday blamed Iran as the root cause of the conflict in West Asia as he ...
(法新社纽约联合国总部27日电) 以色列总理尼坦雅胡今天在联合国演说,矢言继续推进对黎巴嫩真主党(Hezbollah)的攻势,令法国与美国本周提议的21天休战计画实现希望更加渺茫。
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the “elimination” of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah “is a necessary ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Saturday that the killing of Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah in an air strike in Beirut would help facilitate the return of hostages held in Gaza.
以色列军队星期五 (9月27日)对位于贝鲁特郊区达希耶的真主党恐怖组织的中央总部实施了一系列定点打击,炸平了建筑物,并使城市升起巨大浓烟。 以色列国防军 (IDF)在电视声明中表示,袭击目标是以军发言人、海军少将丹尼尔·哈加里 (Daniel ...