Have you spent time studying the book of Hebrews? It is the epistle that comes after the Epistle of Philemon which has only ...
Newark Advocate Faith Works columnist Jeff Gill discusses the role faith can play as voters prepare to cast their ballots on or before Election Day.
What we know about Apollos is mostly found within the book of Acts and a few of Paul’s letters. While admittedly not as ...
There is no Japanese Hari-Kari out of shame in the land of the Hebrews. So….the leaders that were leading then have been ...
The Hebrew Bible, the primary source for the history of Judaism, is a text composed centuries after the Prophet Moses.
If you want a sense of the danger of prayer, just listen to Jeremiah: "You seduced me Lord, and I let myself be seduced" ( ...
On “Preach” this week, Father John Unni reflects on his homily from three years ago. “I like what that guy is saying, but I ...
The Pilot9 天Opinion
What God has joined
Through the union of husband and wife, God intended to bestow His blessings on the human family -- making it fruitful, multiplying it until it filled the earth.
What is it like to walk in your pastor’s shoes? Does being your pastor bring them joy? Or does it make them groan?
Asteroid 2024 PT5's entry into Earth's orbit on October 5, 2024, is stirring biblical prophecy debates on TikTok, with ...
Count Folke Bernadotte, a Swedish royal and diplomat, saved thousands, including Jews, from Nazi concentration camps. He even ...
St. Francis of Assisi gave away his money—even more so his father’s—to the poor. Whatever social good his act did was limited ...