The following is a transcript of an interview with CBS News contributor Sam Vinograd, a former Homeland Security official, on ...
Sam Vinograd, A CBS News national security contributor and former counterterrorism official at the Department of Homeland Security, breaks down how she remembers the U.S. response when Kabul fell ...
Samantha Vinograd served in the Obama White House from 2009 – 2013 including as Senior Advisor to National Security Advisor Thomas E. Donilon. Follow her on Twitter @sam_vinograd.
The Iran-backed militant group confirmed Aqil's death. CBS News national security contributor Sam Vinograd discusses the situation in the Middle East and what's on the agenda at the United Nations ...
Throughout the school year, two student journalists from Alabama will be part of a special program where they will be ...
CBS News national security contributor Sam Vinograd joins with analysis. New satellite images show what appear to be new stretches of wall constructed by North Korea near the Demilitarized Zone.
Justine Tesseron je pripadnica četrte generacije družine Tesseron in skupaj z očetom Alfredom vodi svetovno znano vinsko hišo ...
Domnevne nepravilnosti v Cankarjevem domu (CD) so pod drobnogled vzeli kriminalisti Nacionalnega preiskovalnega urada, vodi ...
Vendar ne glede na to, kako težko je bilo delo, so bili veseli, počeli so vragolije in nikoli jamrali. "Vinograd so obrezovali moški in ženske, medtem ko so moški kolili (popravljajo kole ob trtah), ...
Cankarjev dom (CD) je vseskozi pod drobnogledom različnih nadzornih organov, ki še nikoli niso ugotovili kršitev, so v CD ...
Samantha Vinograd leads Brunswick’s U.S. geopolitical practice. She has served under three bipartisan Administrations and in several key private sector roles. Most recently, she served as the ...