近日,2024 第7届 英国 Dezeen Awards 公布了长入围名单。据主办方透露,本届收到来自82个国家的4130多个参赛项目,并于今日公布长入围名单(Longlists),共 ...
为人师者,用爱、用心去灌溉祖国的花朵,润物无声,默默坚守,无私奉献。2024年教师节即将到来,老舍茶馆为全体教师准备了一份特别的礼物: 老舍茶馆《四季北京·茶》京味综艺演出是北京市首批重点推介旅游演出项目,开业至今已接待近200多位外国元首政要和近千万中外宾客观看此演出。节目涵盖茶艺、单弦、杂技、魔术、手影、舞蹈、变脸等,以北方四季节气变化为主线,整场演出京味特色浓郁。 茉莉香毫是将茶叶和茉莉鲜花 ...
The third edition of Chinese Anti-Aging Conference, organized by the Chinese Association of Plastic and Aesthetic and in cooperation with Chinese skincare brand Uniskin, was held in Shanghai this ...
From unique Buddhist treasures to quaint fishing villages, Zhoushan is a must-visit, with its 2,085 islands, many ancient legends and current renown as a seafood paradise. Arriving in China by cruise ...