Other important morphological characteristics are the shape of the columella, the presence or absence of an apophysis, the organisation and branching of stolons, the presence or absence of ...
Strawberry clover can be difficult to differentiate from white clover in those parts of the country where this grows (mainly alkaline soils), as it has no hairs, has stolons and has flower heads much ...
Creeping oxalis is a small perennial weed that grows from stolons (creeping stems) and is typically found in lawns. Unlike many oxalis species such as pink shamrock (Oxalis vallicola), it doesn’t have ...
Rhizomes: Underground stems that help some grasses spread. Stolons: Aboveground runners or lateral stems that help some ...
Perennial legume. Very leafy plants 8 to 12 inches tall. Spreads by stolons (runners) and forms shallow roots at nodes. Adapted to soils with fine to medium texture that are well to poorly drained.
St. Augustine is spread by stolons, or thick stems that run above ground across the lawn. According to Texas A&M University, ...