Multiple bullets containing a tiny spectrometer could be shot into the lunar soil by an astronaut or rover, allowing analysis ...
In the Jezero crater on Mars, NASA's Perseverance rover spotted an unusually light stone. Scientists have never seen anything ...
The lunar ilmenite FeTiO3 was found to contain the highest amount of solar wind-implanted hydrogen among the five primary minerals, including ilmenite, plagioclase, olivine, pyroxene and lunar ...
The lunar ilmenite FeTiO3 was found to contain the highest amount of solar wind-implanted hydrogen among the five primary minerals, including ilmenite, plagioclase, olivine, pyroxene and lunar ...
Other samples have contained more pyroxene than olivine; the samples taken by Pragyan, however, had more olivine than pyroxene. As the paper notes, “This a new finding and is at odds with other ...
Rau, G. Paladini, C. Hron, J. Aringer, B. Groenewegen, M. A. T. and Nowotny, W. 2015. Modelling the atmosphere of the carbon-rich Mira RU Virginis. Astronomy ...
The widespread natural occurrence of two-pyroxene assemblages and the temperature effect produced by the component redistribution between the constituent minerals have long been used to obtain ...