Apps catering to the Chinese and wider Asian diaspora, especially urban consumers focused on food, can be big business. Now, ...
Mars Growth Capital led the latest round, which brings total capital raised by the London-based platform to $275 million.
阿May,33岁的她是一位充满热情的鸡饭档年轻小贩,其家庭背景与料理息息相关,父母与哥哥和姐姐都从事与“吃”相关的行业。从小在小贩家庭中长大的她,如今成了熟悉各种料理的厨艺小能手。阿May的故事,正是从她18岁时决定加入家族生意开始的。在那个年龄,她逐渐就确定了自己的人生方向:与美食为伍,并且将这份热爱延续至今。阿May回忆起自己的成长过程时提到,从学生时代起就帮忙小贩父母干活。当时,她并不喜欢读 ...
China's influencer economy has opened up a new way of life for foreigners residing in the country, giving them opportunities ...
As a major oil-producing country in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia has long been unwilling to tie its economic lifeline solely ...
Foodies, rejoice! The Michelin Guide Food Festival has returned to Shanghai, beginning today at the rooftop garden of HKRI ...
(槟城27日讯)发呆比赛回来了!前年备受关注的“发呆比赛”即将于本月29日再次于槟城举办,主办单位邀请50为民众挑战成为“发呆王”!这场由《TLM美食展》主办的比赛,将于本月29日下午2时至4时在Spice ...
马上就是“十一”黄金周了你的七天假期想好怎么过了吗广州2000+场文旅活动了解一下涵盖文艺演出、文博展览、百姓舞台、非遗活动、公共文化活动、景区酒店优惠等各类场景精彩纷呈等你来As the countdown to the National Day ...
The 2024 World AgriFood Innovation Conference will take place in Beijing from October 10 to 12, according to China ...
Domestically, travel surged during the summer holiday, which typically runs from early July to late August. The Civil ...