In a very brief description of Nestorianism, Davies writes: Nestorius…was condemned by the Council of Ephesus for holding that Christ’s nature was equally human and divine. This is not correct.
The Christianity of the Silk Road was primarily the form known as Nestorianism, after the teachings of Nestorius, a 5th-century patriarch of Constantinople who soon outraged the Roman and Byzantine ...
In 429, when Cyril heard tidings of the teachings of the new Patriarch of Constantinople, Nestorius, he began attempting through private letters to bring Nestorius to renounce his heretical teaching ...
This letter was delivered by a delegation of four Egyptian bishops to Nestorius in his residence after the morning service in Constantinople on Sunday, November 30, 430. Cyril had spent the past year ...
As a result Assyrian Christianity developed independently from the rest of the Church. The Assyrians accepted the theology of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Nestorius and their teachings about Christ. The ...
If Mary is not the Mother of God, then the Bible in this verse would condone idolatry. Nestorius, the patriarch of Constantinople, in 428 A.D. declared that Mary could not be the Mother of God ...
St. Cyril of Alexandria, "Third Letter to Nestorius," c. 430 A.D. "And since the holy Virgin corporally brought forth God made one with flesh according to nature, for this reason we also call her ...
What is Nestorianism as opposed to Christianity as we know of now? According to the Encyclopaedia it is “a Christian sect which derived its name from Nestorius who was a patriarch of Constantinople ...
We noted recently the threat to Texas’s Christian culture from legal Asian Hindu immigrants. That is not the only danger it ...
The two rival parties that met in Ephesus in July 431, one led by Cyril and his allies and the other by Nestorius and John of Antioch, failed to reach an accord and instead each condemned the ...