Each Monday, I pick out North America’s celestial highlights for the week ahead. This coming week includes a naked-eye comet ...
Y ou don't need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card ...
Emporia State University has the only glass blowing program in Kansas and one of the only in the Midwest. The University of ...
(吉隆坡30日讯)从5月开跑的《Astro经典名曲歌唱大赛2024》将于周六(5日)在云顶世界迎来终极之战,历经一番斗争的终极十强亦摩拳擦掌,表示以最佳状态亮相总决赛舞台。评审郭燕燕和何芸妮称今届选手个个都是黑马,直指:“没有心水人物,因为每一位都各有特色,随时都会跑出。”也对选手们喊话:“不要为难我们,给我们一些刺激和惊喜吧!”而“全民情歌天后”丁当将会担任总决赛嘉宾评审。 《Astro经典名曲 ...
Joe Locke's Heartstopper co-star Kit Connor has shared his thoughts on seeing the actor play Agatha All Along's Teen and ...
香港影坛再突破!由陈茂贤监制、执导及编剧,“喜剧天王”黄子华及许冠文阔别32年携手主演电影《破·地狱》(The Last Dance),搭配卫诗雅、朱柏康、周家怡、秦沛、金燕玲、韦罗莎、梁雍婷、白只、锺雪莹等金像级阵容,引领观众深入殡仪业窥探人生!题材独树一帜,演员组合强劲的电影《破·地狱》定于11月14日在全马戏院重磅上映!所谓“万般皆是命,半点不由人”,人世间的生离死别、如何告别尘世自有天意, ...