We don’t presume to speak for him, but that’s what we think he’d say based on his Monome-keyboard combination, which puts a Monome right in the keyboard’s console, giving the user the best ...
[Johan Larsby] built this pretty cool Monome clone. He was starting with a kit to build an Arduinome, but had issues getting his LED matrix to work correctly. After digging around in some old ...
eine totale Ordnung der Halbgruppe M der Monome eines Polynomenringes 𝕂[x 1, …, x n], die mit der Halbgruppenstruktur verträglich ist:m, m′, m″ ∈ M und m′ m″ impliziert mm′ mm″. Beispiele für ...
Daedelus has been at the forefront of many performance techniques, from working with early prototypical Monome controllers to cutting edge modular systems plus A/V shows that are robotic, volumetric, ...
Polynom mit nur einem von Null verschiedenen Koeffizienten. Ist k ∈ ℕ 0, so bezeichnet man das Polynom p(x) = x k als (univariates) Monom. Im multivariaten ...