During the Cosmic Era of Gundam, one ship managed to save the Orb Union, and indeed, the Earth itself: the LCAM-01XA ...
The Hon’ble Gujarat High Court in the case of M/s Ananta Synthetic Innovations v. State of Gujarat [Special Civil Application ...
Volkswagen is launching a new SUV model on the European market: the Tayron. The five- or seven-seater sport utility vehicle ...
A timelapse video showing the progress of construction at Milton Park's new £40m research and development (R&D) scheme has ...
Construction of a two-story, 43,800-square-foot civic building is under way in Redmond.
I started my night in Forres, eager to visit the Bonnie Beastie just off the High Street. As an Englishman who’s called Moray ...
William Jeremijenko has a pretty novel idea. Along with co-founder Nelson Smith and chief operating officer Ruby Jones, the ...
My sister Kay, the “bamboo queen,” has a fascination for bamboo. She recently built the first bamboo museum in Antipolo, ...
As each wood element is delivered by flatbed, a tall crane lifts it into place and holds it in position while workers attach ...
The tower uses a new technology called mass timber. Though still relatively uncommon, it is growing in popularity and ...
Timelapse footage released yesterday shows the construction progress on Nebula, the £40m research and development (R&D) ...