2024年11月,位于北京798艺术中心的“交流方式模块节”将迎来一场全球模块化合成器界的盛宴。在此次活动中,来自西雅图的After Later Audio作为参展商之一,引起了众多音乐爱好者的关注。这对夫妻档企业的创始人Lenny和Clarissa携带他们创新的模块化合成器,首次将品牌推广至中国市场,旨在与活跃的本地音乐社区直接互动。 After Later Audio成立的背景可追溯至Lenn ...
The airports are temporarily not accepting or sending flights," the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency said in a statement. Sheremetyevo International Airport was later shut down, too. Aircraft ...
🎶【北京模块节】即将开启,您准备好迎接音频盛会了吗? 欢迎来到2024年11月8日至10日,为期三天的北京798艺术中心,这里将变身为模块合成器的梦想乐园!🌈 在这片超2,000平米的展馆中,您将与超过80位模块艺术家一起沉浸在无尽创意的海洋中,感受声音的魅力与魔力! After Later Audio,这对来自西雅图的夫妻档,将首次在中国展示他们的精彩作品。他们的模块合成器不仅是爱好,更是一 ...
Classical studies had a strong practicality during the time of their inception. However, in modern society thousands of years later, what is the practical significance of classical literature? Can it ...