Hypermesh,作为Altair公司推出的一款功能强大的CAE(计算机辅助工程)前处理软件,广泛应用于工程仿真领域,为工程师们提供了高效、精确的模型处理、网格划分、边界条件设置等功能。对于初学者来说,掌握Hypermesh软件并非易事,但通过合理的学习方法和实践 ...
In the realm of Computer-Aided Design (CAD), dealing with demanding clients can be as complex as the designs you create. CAD refers to software used to create precision drawings or technical ...
1. 启动HyperMesh:首先,确保已经启动了HyperMesh软件,并加载了需要测量两点距离的模型。 可以通过快捷键F4快速打开测量工具界面。在保持当前操作为HyperMesh软件窗口,且输入为英文的情况下,按F4键即可。 或者,在软件界面的工具栏或菜单中,找到与测量相关 ...
In the fast-evolving world of Computer-Aided Design (CAD), staying ahead in design innovation means not just creating but also analyzing. CAD is a transformative technology that allows you to ...