市测绘院介绍,76路公共汽车一路开行至今,历经66个寒暑, 承载了许多上海人的童年回忆 。期间 行驶路线及沿线站点几经修改, 从最初的沟通普陀和静安,到如今的往来苏州河北岸和凯旋路之间,76路继续坚守在岗位上。今天市测绘院带你开启76路的时光之旅↓ ...
of the person concerned legitimately, or for other lawful purposes prescribed, authorised or permitted by law. The purposes of establishing marriage records in Hong Kong under the Marriage Ordinance ...
If you are a Chinese citizen, and a permanent resident of the HKSAR holding a valid Hong Kong permanent identity card / Acknowledgement of application for a Hong Kong permanent identity card ...
活动为期两天,于周末11月9日至10日在香港最大户外场地、坐拥香港标誌性维港美景的中环海滨活动空间举行。 “Hypefest Hong Kong 2024”将会是Hypebeast迄今以来在港举办规模最大的活动,于今个秋季带来独特多元的文化体验,让大家分享对文化生活的热爱与追求。