During the Cosmic Era of Gundam, one ship managed to save the Orb Union, and indeed, the Earth itself: the LCAM-01XA ...
The Board of Education is making $46,904 in security updates at Southeast Early Childhood Center, the Lied Education Center and Waverly Shell Rock Middle School.
A timelapse video showing the progress of construction at Milton Park's new £40m research and development (R&D) scheme has ...
Construction of a two-story, 43,800-square-foot civic building is under way in Redmond.
The Blooming Bamboo Home's bottom layer can be filled with reused oil drums that allow it to float in wet conditions, while steel beams keep it anchored. The Fennel House, designed by Robert Harvey ...
As each wood element is delivered by flatbed, a tall crane lifts it into place and holds it in position while workers attach ...
The tower uses a new technology called mass timber. Though still relatively uncommon, it is growing in popularity and ...
Timelapse footage released yesterday shows the construction progress on Nebula, the £40m research and development (R&D) ...