关于这四类器械的上市途径如下: lI、III和IV类器械在加拿大销售之前,必须获得医疗器械许可证,即Medical Device Licence (简称MDL); lI类器械不需要MDL许可证,但I类器械制造商须获得医疗器械企业许可,即Medical Device Establishment Licence (简称MDEL)。 I~IV类医疗器械进口 ...
美国半导体制造商Analog Device (ADI.US) 与印度综合企业塔塔集团签署协议,探讨在印度生产半导体产品。 Analog Device声明指,塔塔集团旗下塔塔电子有意探讨在後者位於古吉拉特邦 (Gujarat)及阿萨姆邦 ...
The death toll in explosions of wireless communication devices across Lebanon on Wednesday rose to 14, with injuries up to ...
cadiaN 将身着 Astralis 队服与 stavn 和 jabbi 重新会合。 cadiaN 将从 device 手中接过游戏内指挥权。照片:Astralis Astralis 宣布立即从 Liquid 战队签下 ...
The instrument features a PLC interface for integration into production process control classification and makes selection of the samples an easy task. The device works according to the proven 4-wire ...