该研究表明,非编码DNA的损伤往往被隐藏了,它们在增殖缓慢的组织中积累得更多(例如肝脏或肾脏)。与频繁再生的器官不同,这些增殖缓慢的器官中的非编码DNA损伤长期未被发现,进而阻碍了细胞分裂。这些发现解释了什么有些器官(例如肝脏)比其他器官衰老得更快, ...
DNA突变的积累经常被用来解释衰老过程,但它仍然只是众多假说中的一种。在一项新的研究中,来自日内瓦大学、伯尔尼大学医院和伯尔尼大学等研究机构的研究人员发现了一种可以解释为何某些器官(如肝脏)比其他器官衰老得更快的机制。相关研究结果于2024年9月17日在线发表在Cell期刊上,论文标题为“In vivo DNA ...
▎药明康德内容团队编辑  在早期胚胎发育过程中,从最初的受精卵开始,一次次有丝分裂构成了不断生长的胚胎。而每一次分裂都伴随着DNA复制,以确保每个子代细胞都含有完整的遗传信息。当然,这是理想状态。实际情况是,在早期胚胎发育过程中,DNA复制时常出错、导致染色体分离异常,并且这种异常出现的频率明显高于体细胞 ...
▎药明康德内容团队编辑  随着年龄增长,组成身体的各个组织器官并不是同步衰老的。很多人可能会从皮肤、头发上看出一个人衰老的迹象,实际上体内有些器官比皮肤老得更快。例如肝脏,作为人体最大的代谢器官,是衰老过程中首当其冲的器官之一。肝脏呈现出炎症和纤维化 ...
In this study, the investigators ablated liver cells in a mouse model, so they could assess liver cells or hepatocytes as ...
September/2092024/CH-8.jpg" width="1200" height="675" /> CBSE 2024-25 Competency-Based Questions With Answers: Assessment is vital in the learning process as it reinforces the knowledge of the ...
A new discovery by researchers at the RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics (BDR) in Japan upends decades of assumptions regarding DNA replication. Led by Ichiro Hiratani and colleagues ...
Damage to non-coding DNA accumulates more in slowly proliferating tissues, contributing to different rates of aging across ...
An article by UAB professor Joan-Ramon Daban analyzes in depth the physical problems associated with DNA packaging that have ...
An article by UAB professor Joan-Ramon Daban analyzes in depth the physical problems associated with DNA packaging that have ...
A new process, nucleophagy, repairs damaged DNA that is particularly relevant for patients undergoing colorectal cancer ...
A new discovery by researchers at the RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics (BDR) in Japan upends decades of assumptions regarding DNA replication.