Thousands of Australian workers on Wednesday walked off job sites and joined protests against the federal government's ...
作为一个以四川青神竹编为介质的当代商业餐饮空间,“川隈杂谈”提取中国四川文化中最日常,最本土的物质——竹子作为川菜馆的空间介质,用物质来表达四川非物质文化。该项目由中国室内设计机构自由思考设计,近日,该项目获得了2018年德国iF设计奖的室内设计奖及 ...
【摘要】人工智能有助于构建各种精准模型为特殊儿童的精准筛查与干预提供便捷的工具。人工智能与特殊教育的融合是智能时代教育发展的一大趋势,有助于保障特殊人群享有均等化的教育服务,最大程度挖掘其潜能,发挥其价值。目前对孤独症与多动症等关键性特殊人群的筛查与干预领域的研究仍处于初始阶段。为此,需要推动构建基于多维数据机器学习的筛查指标体系、基于视觉识别技术的智能快速辅助筛查系统、基于虚拟增强现实技术的互动 ...
The beauty of Jiangnan gardens benefits from the comprehensive application of borrowing scenery, framing scenery, scenery and other construction techniques ... processing technique of combining ...
9月11日,第二十四届中国国际投资贸易洽谈会圆满落幕。全球120个国家和地区、18个国际组织、1000多个境内外政府机构及工商企业团组、近8万名客商来厦参展参会。据初步统计,688个项目在大会期间达成合作协议,计划总投资额达4889.2亿元。本届投洽 ...
On September 13th, the China (Guangdong) International Tourism Industry Expo (CITIE 2024) opened at Area A in the Canton Fair ...
Its construction permits it to be used with liquid or gaseous media. Venting holes simplify installation. The robust design and the use of stainless steel make it possible to use the pressure ...
At 11:30 AM on September 14th, three Fuxing high-speed trains—G8491 (Meizhou West to Guangzhou East), G8494 (Guangzhou East to Meizhou West), and G8496 (Shenzhen North to Meizhou ...