North Macedonia is tired of encountering obstacles on its path to EU membership and will no longer accept ultimatums, Prime ...
A recent Gallup International Balkan study reveals a deepening mistrust of Russia among Bulgarians. Conducted from August 28 to September 5, 2024, the survey shows that 49.
One in five Romanians is so poor that he cannot afford to have meat on the menu every day or to go on vacation, according to the latest Eurostat data. Romania ranks in last place in the European Union ...
The mayor of Kassandra, where a recent shooting between Bulgarians occurred at a bar, revealed that she had received death ...
A recent nationally representative survey conducted by "Gallup International Balkan" on behalf of BNT shows that Bulgarians are divided over the issue of potential LGBTQ+ propaganda in schools, with a ...
Dozens of Bulgarians gathered on Monday evening at the China Cultural Center in Sofia to celebrate the upcoming traditional Chinese Mid-Autumn Festiva ...
Iran's parliamentary Commission on National Security and Foreign Policy has strongly refuted Western allegations regarding ...
The West is bleeding the Global South of wealth thanks to massive wage inequality, says study ...
Bulgaria has committed to phasing out coal by 2038 a reminder included in the European Commissions annual report on energy across the EU and ...