Motion sickness is a sensory disruption of the body’s balance center, says Dr. Susan Besser, MD, a board certified primary care provider who specializes in family medicine. Motion sickness is ...
The precise cause remains unclear, but it's possible another mechanism (including ear-related) is at work. Motion sickness symptoms (or their increased severity) can be caused by certain medications.
You know the feeling. You’re suddenly woozy, feeling unsteady, your head starts throbbing while you’re in a vehicle, on a boat or an amusement park ride. Motion sickness doesn’t discriminate. And ...
The best medicine for nausea depends on the underlying cause ... both of which stimulate the "vomiting center" of the brain (called the chemoreceptor trigger zone). Doing so can ease symptoms of ...
Positional changes: Sitting in the front seat of a car, or near the wings of an airplane, can help reduce motion sickness.