BTS' vibrant Boy With Luv music video featuring Halsey has soared past 1.8 billion YouTube views, joining their smash hit ...
No matter how much work you have, give yourself permission to play under today’s harmonious trine between clever Mercury in your self-expressive fifth house and innovative Uranus in your sign ...
Even the most cautious of Crabs can pull off a well-calculated risk today as your ruler, the moon, in YOUR sign fist-bumps savvy Saturn in your fortunate, growth-oriented ninth house. Aim high ...
You could have an emotional breakthrough today, thanks to mental Mercury in your subconscious sector clicking with enlightening Uranus in your mystery realm. Carve out time for private ...
A clever moneymaking concept could arise out of today’s auspicious trine between mental Mercury in your work corner and inventive Uranus in your resources realm. Spend some time clarifying the ...
Your blend of glamour and poise is unbeatable today as the moon in your creative, impassioned fifth house makes music with sophisticated Saturn in your sign. You can show off a stylish OOTD ...
What’s the rush? An evolving relationship shows promise, but maybe it’s moving at a slower pace than you would prefer. Today’s moon-Saturn coalition reminds you to be patient. There’s no ...
Cosmic tailwind: incoming! As Mercury takes its last lap of the year in detail-focused Virgo, your sixth house of health, work and daily routines, you’ll be motivated to make one big push toward ...
Over the past two months, your social and professional circles may have been subject to significant shakeups, but that’s probably a good thing, Scorpio! On July 25, outgoing Mercury entered ...
Get a grip on your finances today when the moon in your analytical sixth house forms a harmonious trine to structured Saturn in your fiscal second house. You can trim the fat in your budget and ...
Don’t get distracted today! With the moon signal-boosting serious Saturn in your career court, you can make major headway if you put on your blinders and keep your eyes trained on an important ...
Lead with your heart and hit someone straight in their feels today when the sensitive moon in your intuitive, empathic twelfth house trines mature Saturn in your intense, intimate eighth. Share ...