The 1990s was a decade packed with great movies, innovative tech, and some very impressive cars. German auto manufacturers had made a name for themselves, producing technically sophisticated cars ...
The 2016 S8 is a great example of both Audi's razor-sharp luxury performance ... With its inherently scrappy vibes inside and out, and the superb tuning and driving dynamics that derive from ...
大家好,我是栗子。 奥迪S8,一台比超跑更难遇到的行政大佬车,尤其是这一代!工程师把最硬核的技术,隐藏在了不招摇的外观下,这种深藏功与名的作派,让这台车注定只适合极少数人。在山路上,S8让我明白了,为什么奥迪有S8就够了,不需要RS 8。在公路 ...
And in one regard that’s precisely what’s happening with the new Audi Q5. That’s because the latest generation will trip the light fantastic with head and tail-lights able to create ...
It's not the most powerful Audi engine, but the four-cylinder powertrain has massive tuning potential, which means it can be tweaked for use in many models across the range. Though 201 hp is a lot ...
快科技9月29日消息,日前,有博主分享了一条奥迪RS5高速狂飙的惨烈车祸视频,引起网友热议。 从奥迪RS5车内人员拍摄的视频来看,车辆在公共道路 ...
此次发布最令人瞩目的亮点之一,便是小米15系列将搭载高通最新旗舰级处理器——骁龙S8 Elite,标志着小米在性能领域再次迈出坚实步伐。 高通 ...
在奥迪中国日前举行在华战略媒体沟通会上,奥迪中国总裁罗英瀚(Johannes Roscheck)表示,奥迪的产品在未来24个月内全面换代,并提出关键词“聚焦”:聚焦中国、聚焦产品、聚焦品牌。罗英瀚称,在接下来的新产品上,能看到奥迪品牌在回应市场变化方面做出 ...
IT之家9 月 27 日消息,据车媒“易车”报道,奥迪中国 26 日举行在华战略媒体沟通会,总裁罗英瀚表示,奥迪的产品在未来 24 个月内全面换代,并提出了关键词“聚焦”:聚焦中国、聚焦产品、聚焦品牌。 今年 4 月上任的罗英瀚表示,在过去的 200 天内 ...