The brainwave data was recorded in early September at Chelsea High School Concert Hall in Michigan, with clinical ...
September 13, 2024, 5:52 PM · Welcome to "For the Record,"'s weekly roundup of new releases of recordings by ...
Laurie Niles founded with her husband, Robert, in 1996. The website offered Laurie the perfect opportunity to blend her skills as a formally trained professional violinist and a former ...
September 14, 2024, 10:29 PM · American space operations engineer Sarah Gillis, age 30, became the first human to play the ...
If you are new to the violin, you might be tempted to buy one of the low-priced violins advertised all over the Internet – by ...
As an object, the violin is one of mankind's great accomplishments. Despite radical changes in society and technology, the ...
Welcome to "For the Record,"'s weekly roundup of new releases of recordings by violinists, violists, cellists ...
Latvian violinist <a href=" Sareika - the first-ever female concertmaster of the Berlin Philharmonic - <a href=" Monday on ...
Solo Bach - what wonderful music for a violinist to play, all alone. "Sei Soli..." But what if you didn't have to be alone, ...
The calendar has flipped to September and stores are suddenly bursting with harvest food and pumpkin-spice everything - fall ...
Sure, we have all heard of the violin maker Antonio Stradivari, but what about the other great Italian makers? <a href=" Fine ...
In an effort to promote the coverage of live violin performance, each week presents links to reviews of notable ...