Colorful, modern, and dynamic, Harajuku fashion is the reflection of Japan’s latest trends! But how did Harajuku fashion come ...
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Miso Grilled Pork Chops And Pure Natural Shaved Ice: Must-Have Delicacies in Nagatoro in Chichibu, Saitama! Let us introduce you to the best of Japan through our free newsletter: sightseeing spots, ...
Catch a YOKOHAMA DeNA BAYSTARS game for an authentic taste of Japanese baseball culture at Yokohama Stadium! Make the most of ...
Miyazaki Prefecture is one of Japan’s most underrated gems, located on the southern tip of Kyushu, where visitors can experience a perfect blend of stunning coastal landscapes, sacred shrines, rich ...
*This article was sponsored by Nagano Prefecture. Help us promote the goodness of Nagano by filling out this survey! What Sort of Place Is Nagano? Located in central Japan, Nagano Prefecture is the ...
從前的播磨國,現在的「姬路市」,以有名的世界遺產「姬路城」而聞名海外。然而,姬路的觀光地圖可遠遠不只一座姬路城,還有各種神秘的千年古剎、熱鬧的商店街及車站、飽覽自然美景的公園、滿溢藝文氣息的主題展館,以及多種必吃的地道美食,正等待 ...
在象徴春天的櫻花季結束後,緊接在後的就是紫藤花了。像是窗簾般垂下的紫藤花,在日本其花語是「陶醉」與「歡迎」,日文則喚為「藤の花(fuji-no-hana)」。無論是隨風搖曳的姿態,或是在夜間點上燈光的浪漫,都是季節限定的絕景!本篇嚴選了日本20處 ...
對愛漂亮的人來說,到日本旅遊最大的樂趣之一,就是花錢血拚、為自己增添時尚行頭。在台灣的百貨公司,或者五花八門的網購、代購平台都能看到許多日本服飾品牌。您是否好奇到底哪些牌子深受日本女生歡迎呢?新年福袋的討論度高低或許可以成為一個 ...
Geisha are one of the most captivating symbols of Japan. Their iconic appearance is unmistakable thanks to the elaborate geisha makeup, hairstyle, kimono, and more. Yet much of a geisha's lifestyle ...
Capsule hotels in Japan accommodate sightseers, business travelers, and locals who missed the last train with a simple, budget place to spend the night. Despite their claustrophobic appearances, the ...