The Plantation Agency of East Kalimantan Province recently distributed palm oil seeds, fertilizers (sodium, phosphorus, and ...
PALMOILMAGAZINE, KETAPANG - Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BKSDA) Ketapang has re-released a nine-year-old male ...
H. Zainal A. Paliwang, M.Hum., Governor of North Kalimantan Province, led a seminar on the feasibility study for the palm ...
PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Khadikin, a policy expert at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, voiced his support ...
PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Fajarini Puntodewi, Head of the Trade Policy Agency (BKPerdag), met with Joseph D'Cruz, Chief ...
Togu Rudian Saragih, Head of Cultivation at the Directorate of Palm Oil, Ministry of Agriculture, stressed the importance of ...
PALMOILMAGAZINE, PONTIANAK – Marselinus Andry, Head of Advocacy at Serikat Petani Kelapa Sawit (SPKS), raised concerns about ...
The 4th Indonesian Palm Oil Smallholder Conference & Expo (IPOSC) 2024 was officially launched in Pontianak, West ...
Crude palm oil (CPO) at the PT Kharisma Pemasaran Bersama Nusantara (KPBN) Inacom tender was priced at Rp 13,407/kg on Friday ...
CPO Prices at KPBN Inacom Surged by 1.97% on Thursday (18/9). Photo by: ...
Ardi Praptono, Director of Palm Oil and Various Palms at the Ministry of Agriculture’s Directorate General of Plantations, delivered a speech at the 4th Indonesian Palm Oil Smallholder Conference & ...
4th IPOSC: Collaboration, Innovation, and Sustainability Key to Palm Oil Growth in West Kalimantan. Photo by: ...