In 2022-23, more state legislatures adopted new or expanded school voucher laws than in any previous year. This expansion occurred despite overwhelming evidence showing voucher programs strip funds ...
A first-of-its-kind study on teacher strikes shows they bring new money into districts, increasing student spending and all ...
WASHINGTON—U.S. Reps. Garret Graves (R-Louisiana) and Abigail Spanberger (D-Virginia) today announced that their discharge petition for the bipartisan Social Security Fairness Act has reached 218 ...
Despite recent data showing a decrease in student use of e-cigarettes, too many students across the country vape daily. Vapes are extremely dangerous, and a cause for concern given their popularity ...
Recently, the state of Florida installed new signs at the state lines, which read, “Welcome to the free state of Florida.” I have lived and worked in Florida since 2011, and this has never felt less ...
Piper, who loves to sing, accepts a solo at her school's Spring Sing, but when her confidence wavers, she turns to her năi nai to help ease her doubts and worries. Chicago fifth-grader Simon, who ...
Like many schools post-pandemic, Cherry Hill Public Schools has struggled to hire and retain qualified staff. The crux of the struggle in Cherry Hill was the district’s ranking for starting salaries.
High school senior Magdalena Herrera already has adult responsibilities and a deadly secret hidden in the dark of the basement—one that drains her of energy and leaves her bleeding—until the return of ...
How to Teach This Book Ask students what they think makes a garden beautiful. Talk together about the many different plants, trees, flowers, and food that can grow in a garden. Get them thinking and ...
Abeni, a reluctant magical apprentice, collects a team of spirit allies, who join her efforts to rescue her village from the evil Witch Priest and the ghost ships bound for distant lands.
Since the day she was born, the girl’s heart has been connected to her island home, but she comes to understand the true meaning of aloha when she begins to learn the traditional Hawaiian storytelling ...
When sixteen-year-old Manisha, a temple priestess who’s secretly one of the feared naga, meets seventeen-year-old monster slayer Pratyush, each sees in the other the possibility to chart a new path.