If money wasn’t a concern, how many trips would you plan each year? Many people say they would love to travel more but struggle to find a way to stretch their budgets. You don’t have to exhaust your ...
Are you looking for a change of scenery or want to experience life in a new city? Moving can be expensive, especially to a new city or state. But many small towns will actually pay you to move there.
Oh, the 1980s—what a fun decade. They had big hair, plastic, music videos still on MTV, and many other timeless pop culture contributions. However, the 1980s had some of the most polarizing styles in ...
If your budget feels tight, finding things to eliminate from your shopping list is a good start when trying to find some breathing room. Since you control your discretionary spending, you can stop ...
Murder documentaries, terrifying disappearances, and haunted stories have become the new normal for the average thrill seeker. But can you visit these ghostly locations in real life? The answer is yes ...
I owe my financial stability to following these 17 tips regularly. But many people have misunderstood what it’s really like to live frugally. Frugal living isn’t about denying yourself or being stingy ...
One of the most proactive ways to take control of your financial situation is to find a way to earn more money. You can only cut back your expenses so far, but earning more money allows you to pay ...
Was there anything better than waking up as a kid on the weekend and enjoying cereal while watching your favorite cartoons? I wish I could return to those simpler times when I didn’t have a care in ...
Buying a new car can be fun and exciting, but it can also be costly. You need to be careful, especially with vehicles with high maintenance costs. Getting what you think is a good deal on a car can be ...
Do you ever look at old pictures of yourself and think, “Geez, what was I thinking wearing that?” Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Gen Z is picking up right where you left off, bringing 90s fashion ...
Job interviews may cause anxiety, yet lead to new career paths. Some prospects aren't worth it though. Today we’ll identify 13 red flags in interviews to avoid subpar work situations. If you observe ...
Everyone wants to throw their kids magical birthday parties they will look back on lovingly. But you don’t have to go broke in the process. Pulling off a perfectly themed party with matching ...