Michael Bröning in New York on the UN Pact for the Future, Germany’s role in the negotiations and Russia’s last-minute ...
Michael Bröning in New York on the UN Pact for the Future, Germany's role in the negotiations and Russia's last-minute ...
Lika Kobeshavidze is a Georgian political writer and analytical journalist, specialising in EU policy and regional security in Europe. She is currently based in Lund, Sweden, pursuing advanced ...
Gregor Fitzi is a sociologist and Senior Lecturer at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder). He researches populism and the crisis of normative integration of complex societies.
A contributor to New Lines Magazine, he has earned a master’s degree in political journalism from Columbia University ...
Konstantin Hadži-Vuković works in the Global and European Policy Department of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. He studied political science and philosophy at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich ...
Europe's dilemma after US withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal Joost Hiltermann from the International Crisis Group on Europe's difficult decisions to save the Iran nuclear deal ...
If direct hot wars between great powers can be avoided, the primary battlegrounds for geopolitical competition will be the economy and technology. Today, all major world powers have begun using ...
International Politics and Society is a young magazine with a much older heritage. Launched in January 2017, the online journal highlights global inequality and brings new perspectives on issues such ...
Alexander Isele has been an editor at the IPG Journal since 2022. Previously, he worked as an editor at the daily newspaper nd-aktuell and as a freelance journalist.
As a violinist, I have witnessed how music can bridge divides and inspire collective action. It is imperative that the global community harnesses this same spirit of unity and creativity to address a ...