Students who have had courses in French elsewhere (in high school, college, or both) must take the French Placement Test before registering for any French (language) course. Placements indicated by ...
Available all year. A good place to stay if you plan to study at the American Language Program for several terms. Air-conditioned double and single rooms with shared bath. Clean, well cared-for ...
Making Business Decisions: Real Cases from Real Companies. (Textbook and cassette.) White Plains, New York: Pearson, 1994. NorthStar: Academic English. (Series editor ...
Actual deadlines depend on your individual college. Preference in admissions goes to full-year applicants. See the Cornell Abroad Web site for more information on finances and financial aid. For more ...
individuals from other fields who seek a career in this fast-growing technology market individuals with some background in the technology field who wish to acquire specialized training to increase ...
BCI courses are undergraduate courses and will not become the basis of advanced standing toward a graduate or professional degree. Visiting Undergraduate students interested in BCI courses should ...
On a rotating basis each academic year, the BCGS member institutions send a faculty member to Berlin as Academic Director to oversee the academic program and teach courses on selected topics in German ...
a cumulative average of 3.0 or better a determination by the Admissions Committee that the program will help the applicant achieve his or her stated goals. BCI students are admitted as Special ...
The English Placement Test (EPT) is administered to international students who wish to attend classes in the American Language Program (ALP) or to pursue academic studies at Columbia University or one ...
Office hours: Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-7 p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The Admissions and Student Affairs Office is available to assist you while you are a Continuing Education and Special Programs ...
Upon entering the 100 William Street facility, students may check important program information and announcements on the electronic bulletin board.
For non-native English speakers wishing to improve basic American business writing skills and knowledge of American culture. You play the role of an advertising executive trying to win a new client by ...