周六下午,“摩羯”以每小时149公里的风速登陆越南北部。台风肆虐了大约15个小时,在周日清晨逐渐减弱为热带低气压。台风导致越南四个机场停运数小时,包括北部最繁忙的河内内排国际机场,300多个航班被取消。越南北部12个省份的高中停课,包括拥有850万人 ...
A woman whose son is charged with murdering teachers and fellow students in the US state of Georgia called the school before ...
Australia's pre-eminent authority on the Gasteruption genus of wasps says the discovery of a new species near Katherine has ...
The Coalition has proposed threatening Qantas with powers that could force it to sell off Jetstar if the national carrier ...
Tasmanian Treasurer Michael Ferguson announces a record $5.1 billion infrastructure spend days out from this year's state ...
Chefs, waiters, and bakers are in hot demand across the country and businesses are calling for support as customer spending ...
The devastation of Super Typhoon Rai showed a whole generation of Filipino youth the impacts of climate change, according to ...
AFLW superstar Chloe Molloy is considering a possible role in the Sydney coaching box after being ruled out of action for the ...
Any doubts about whether a debate could change the course of a presidential campaign have been put to rest. So both Donald ...
Sheep and cattle station owners Bodie and Rachel Hill have become outback baristas, encouraging tourists and locals to stop ...
An elaborate operation is underway as Sydney residents collect seagrass that is washed ashore to be stored by scientists in ...
Born and raised in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, Pacific Break finalist Tarvin Toune has been in the music industry since ...