Australia would be among the countries that would suffer most from what Trump is proposing, after the US and China.
Federal parliament has split on partisan lines over the Middle East crisis, just a day after the anniversary of the Hamas ...
If you’re tempted to do a make a couple of cheeky payments while waiting for the band to come on, think again.
For, at the heart of this mission is a political desire to shape the direction of the economy. And to succeed, this desire ...
The ‘trad wives’ of social media, like Christian fiction writers, rely on a romanticized image of white, westernized ...
Lorsque le programme d’Élise Lucet met en lumière les conflits d’intérêts entre l’État et les cabinets de conseil, va-t-il au ...
John Hopfield e Geoffrey Hinton, ganhadores do Prêmio Nobel de Física de 2024, desenvolveram sistemas de computador que podem ...
British governments have neglected Africa and the Commonwealth due to domestic political and economic difficulties since ...
On associe souvent les conseillers principaux d’éducation aux questions de discipline et de surveillance. La réalité de leur ...
In Kenya, Section 226 of the penal code states that any person who tries to kill him or herself is guilty of a misdemeanour.
Près de la moitié des stations thermales chauffent leur eau, ce qui génère des dépenses énergétiques considérables. Pour ...