The City of Ottawa is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information in its custody and control. All complaints are handled confidentially by the Access ...
Drivers should plan ahead and use the interactive traffic map to verify any impacts to your preferred route. Vehicle traffic and OC Transpo routes may experience some delays while travelling through ...
On Sunday, September 22, the 17th annual Canada Army Run is taking place throughout Ottawa’s downtown core. Road users should plan for additional travel time on their trip or take different routes.
Honouring and caring for residents of long-term care is not just an obligation, it is a privilege, and for the staff at the City’s long-term care (LTC) homes, adapting to a more person-centred ...
Le dimanche 22 septembre, la 17 e Course annuelle de l’Armée du Canada aura lieu au centre-ville d’Ottawa. Les usagers de la route devraient prévoir des temps de déplacement plus longs ou emprunter un ...
The City of Ottawa will host a flag raising ceremony on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, in honour of Franco-Ontarian Day and the 49th anniversary of the Franco-Ontarian Flag.
Request for Temporary Assistance (CSPA, S. 19) Request for Temporary Assistance (CSPA, S. 19) Request for Temporary Assistance (CSPA, S. 19) Ottawa Police Gala – Fundraiser in support of the Sexual ...
Aujourd’hui, le Comité de la vérification a reçu des rapports du Bureau de la vérificatrice générale (BVG) sur l’approche de la Ville en matière de réfection des routes et ses pratiques d’entretien ...
Today, the Audit Committee received reports from the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) on the City’s approach to road renewal and its maintenance practices for OC Transpo buses.
Les automobilistes doivent être prévoyants et utiliser la carte de la circulation interactive pour vérifier les répercussions sur leur itinéraire préféré. La circulation des véhicules et les circuits ...
The finalists for the 2024 Ottawa Book Awards have been announced. This year’s works showcase a diverse and compelling range of stories on the human experience and how it is shaped by life’s events – ...
The Finance and Corporate Services Committee today approved the City’s proposed 2025 budget directions, timeline, and consultation process.