In the Augustinian Recollect mission of Kamalo (Sierra Leone) the daily prayer of the rosary has become a fundamental tradition for the life of the community, which gathers every evening at 7:00 pm.
En un mensaje dirigido a las Juventudes Agustino Recoletas (JAR) desde la isla de Cebú, Fr. Ismael Xuruc, consejero general y los responsables de las JAR de Filipinas, Fr. Dexter Palagtiosa y Fr.
Los Centros de Espiritualidad Agustino Recoleta (CEAR) continúan su desarrollo y expansión en los países donde la Orden tiene presencia. Estos ministerios buscan ejercer el apostolado agustino ...
The Centers of Augustinian Recollect Spirituality (CEAR) continue their development and expansion in the countries where the Order is present. These ministries seek to exercise the Augustinian ...
The Centers of Augustinian Recollect Spirituality (CEAR) continue their development and expansion in the countries where the Order is present. These ministries seek to exercise the Augustinian ...
After two weeks of visiting communities and apostolic works of the Augustinian Recollects in the United States, the Prior General has concluded his tour of the country. As Fr. Miguel Angel pointed out ...
Appalled by the magnitude of the tragedy that occurred in the province of Valencia and other areas of Spain, the Augustinian Recollect Family, through ARCORES, joins the numerous initiatives in favor ...