A production fusing modern dance and ancient Chinese martial arts has been praised as a landmark that will inspire people for ...
Unfortunately, The Color Run™ Shanghai has been pushed back to October 26 due to typhoon season. We understand this change ...
TWICE 子瑜在上周发行首张 SOLO 专辑《aboutTZU》,近日也以主打歌〈Run Away〉展开一系列的宣传活动。     除了和成员们、歌手后辈一起舞蹈挑战(Challenge)外,子瑜也和舞王 ...
周子瑜与前辈Rain大跳自己的主打歌《Run Away》,让粉丝嗨翻。(视频截图)(首尔9日讯)韩国超杀女团TWICE的台湾籍成员周子瑜,日前推出个人专辑《abouTZU》,主打歌《Run ...
In the Paradox Museum, nothing makes sense and yet everything is totally real! And get this – from Thursday through Saturday ...
发布会上,New Balance展示了为本次南京马拉松参赛者精心设计的专业参赛服。整体设计简洁、大气,在色彩上采用了紫色,诠释了南京马拉松的所有参赛跑者坚韧不拔、勇于突破的精神。同时,New ...
A Chinese spacecraft testing center has completed the test firing of a newly-built high-altitude simulation test stand in ...
今日(6)韩国时间下午1点, TWICE 子瑜发行了首张 SOLO 专辑《aboutTZU》。     继娜琏和志效之后,作为队内第三位 SOLO 出道的子瑜,5日的记者见面会上也表示:不是作为 TWICE 而是作为 ...
Bato Zaya spent his childhood as a shepherd in the pastoral areas of Wenquan County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur ...